photo Todd Clarke


Senator Fetterman and Representative Blunt Rochester Introduce Legislation to Reduce Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing

Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) and Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) introduced the “Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Housing Act” (S.4460H.R.8604) in their respective chambers of the U.S. Congress on June 5. The NLIHC-endorsed legislation will empower state and local governments to proactively address the affordable housing crisis by directing HUD’s Office of Policy and Research to provide technical assistance on zoning and land use, creating new grant programs, and developing standardized models and best practices for local governments.

Even when governments are committed to the construction of new, affordable housing, onerous land use and regulatory barriers can make such action too expensive or outright impossible. The Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Housing Act will provide communities with the technical knowledge and resources needed to navigate and reform such barriers, expanding overall access to affordable housing and increasing housing choice.

“I applaud Senator Fetterman and Congresswoman Blunt Rochester for introducing legislation to provide states and localities with the best practices, guidance, and tools needed to reform zoning and land use barriers that restrict housing supply and drive up housing costs for everyone,” said NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel in a press release. “While states and local communities are in the best position to increase overall housing supply – especially housing for middle-income families – the Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Housing Act would help the federal government provide much-needed support to these state and local efforts.”

Source: “Senator Fetterman and Representative Blunt Rochester Introduce Legislation to Reduce Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing